Alexandros Lampis: 22-Year-Old Football Player Dies After Suffering Cardiac Arrest During Match

3 years ago

The string of football deaths continues with news that 22-year-old Alexandros Lampis, who plays as an attacking midfielder for Ilioupoli FC, collapsed after suffering a sudden cardiac arrest during Wednesday’s match against Ermio-nida.

The dramatic scene unfolded just 14 minutes into the game at the First Municipal Stadium of Ilioupoli FC when Lampis collapsed to the ground without taking contact from another player. Doctors from both sides rushed onto the field to try and revive him, however, there was no defibrillator available at the stadium and an ambulance was called.

An ambulance arrived after 15 minutes and Lampis was put into the back of the ambulance. Both sides were visibly shaken by the sight and the match was abandoned shortly afterward.

Lampis’ collapse and cardiac arrest is part of a continuing trend of professional footballers collapsing and dying on the field around the world. This hit a peak in late December, where four different players died within one week from cardiac arrests during their matches.
The increase in footballers suffering sudden cardiac arrests in 2021 and 2022 is raising questions as to whether or not the COVID-19 vaccines are causing this unprecedented rise.
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Sars-Cov-2 has never been Isolated, Purified, or Identified. There is no Sars-Cov-2 or Sars Cov-19 that has been scientifically isolated using the scientific “Gold Standard” of Koch or Rivers Postulates showing the existence by anyone, anywhere in the world!
Other than a digital theoretical obstruction made on a computer from a genomic database. The “virus” as many have been misled by the “media” (media is derived from “medea” the goddess of illusion) has never been isolated, purified, sequenced, characterized or proven to exist!

Some of the electrical components being used in 5G tower installations bear the marking of “COV-19,” which just so happens to be almost identical to “COVID-19”

5G Cell Towers Installation started at the same exact time as the state of emergency was declared. Overexposure to 5G radiation has the EXACT same side effects as so called “C19”

Over 1000 published studies provide evidence that the COVID-19 "vaccines" are DANGEROUS:

New Study Confirms the VAERS System is Only Reporting Approximately 1% of Anaphylaxis from ‘Gene Therapy Poisons’:

Harvard Study:

ICAN Letter to Dr. Walensky:

The “Gene Therapy Poison” Death Report reveals that MILLIONS of people have died from Gene Therapy Poisons:

'Om1cr0n' is the 15 letter in the Greek Alphabet. 'D3lta' is the 4th letter, and 'Mu' is the 12th letter.

Ovid is derived from Latin ovis meaning A SHEEP from the Roman family name Ovidious. Publius Ovidius Naso, better known as Ovid, was a 1st-century BC Roman poet who often wrote on the subjects of love and mythology.

"c0v1d" backwards is "D1v0c" transcribed as; in Hebrew, and Div0c actually means "possession by an evil spirit."
The word "D1v0c" is transcribed into English as "dybbuk." The term dybbuk was used in J3w1sh mystical circles to "designate a spirit of the dead person, a notorious sinner in his lifetime, that took temporary possession of a human being, and dybbuk possession was always conceived as an affliction or an illness and the possessing agent a foreign dangerous intruder that had to be expelled."
The word v4cc1n3 is derived from the Latin word vacca for “cow,” "cattle," "sheep." Human Chattel (Cattle) – free range sl4v3s given the illusion of freedom (on the plantation) to be more productive for the sl4v3 owners (The Gubmint).
The word was credited by Edward Jenner and comes from the Latin word "vacca", meaning cow. The physician pioneered v4cc1n4t10n and created the smallpox v4cc1n3, the world's first v4cc1n3, in 1796.
"Vaca" spanish translation: Cow

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