Snake in The Grass...

2 years ago

The left and the right wings are the double-sided coin much like two-face in Batman and joker. One plays the Villain and the other the hero. Sad but true and the faster you realize it the easier it will be to work on your relationship with Jesus.

All part of the same depopulation agenda of the human race to support the New World Order New Gold Standard/Cryptocurrency New Way of Life One World Religion and to get as many Souls to take the Mark of the Beast they can.

There is no coincidences chicken will become scarce , a fertilizer plant was just blown up, making the cost of the product which is left unmanageable for farmers to grow crops , which means less food.

What happens when truckers stop production starting with Canada and Ending in the USA for the convoys ??

You don't think they have all this planned. This is a major false flag event worldwide. Are the others not involved trying to take a stand yes sure they are but they do not know what was planned behind the scenes long ago.

They are all part of the 13 dragon bloodlines of the Illuminati , master masons. Trump is Astor family descendent., Reptillian , fallen angel bloodline. Related to Hillary Clinton.

Those who truly believe in Q psyop , did you know that the Q, is looking Glass project , Quantum IBM computer , CIA owned by the elites are using it to let you hear and see what you want and keep you busy/distracted.

But there is good news that Repenting and seeking out Jesus Christ can lead you away from this hell if you choose too and then you will be able to really see what's going on from all angles.

This is my warning ⚠️ to the ones following GFOL, Q (Quezacotyl) Reptillian fallen angel demons false doctrines. Warn them Jesus says.. I am showing you!!

2 Timothy 4:3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;4:4 And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.

I AM Truth Wisdom Justice ⚖️
I AM Captain Archangel Jophiel of My Lords Army 😇🗡️⚡🎺🔥

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