Ideological Possession and our framework of perception

3 years ago

Our ancestors with all their faults we're wise enough to create constitutional laws that would limit the state from impinging on the inherent God given rights of each individual citizen. Constitutions exist to prevent the state from exceeding its legal limits to govern. And yet we see in Norway, in Canada, all throughout the western world, and certainly today in the USA governments exceeding their constitutional mandate to govern. Legislators have become a law unto themselves. Lobbyists are afforded access to controlling government which by right belongs only to the people. The elite are doing so because ideological possession has replaced the understanding required for them to engage in self reflection. This is why governments all throughout the West have become a law unto themselves since out leaders cannot conceive of themselves as being wrong. These exact sentiments were reflected in our Prime Minister's own words during the Freedom Convoy rally here in Ottawa. He finds the beliefs of the people in that rally to be abhorrent. So, my question is all the rallies in the world aren't going to change how people think. Until we can get to the bottom of why they are ideologically possessed and therefore believe in such nonsense and replace their ideological possession with the deep thought required to have an epistemologically and ontological belief system we're ****** ! end of article

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