Amy Nicole Powell's long list of injuries caused by the COVID jab

3 years ago

COVID vaxx injured Amy Nicole Powell shares how difficult it has been for her to get her doctors to sign paper work that she's unable to work, let alone to acknowledge that the cause of her injuries is the experimental toxin injected into her shoulder.

She has enormously unstable heart rate and blood pressure.

Her a short list of the harms she got from her jab:
- tachycardia (overly fast heart rate)
- bradycardia (overly slow heart rate)
- multiple arrhythmias
- ventricular tachycardia (v-tach, fast heart rate arising from the lower chambers of the heart)
- second degree heart block
- chest pain
- shortness of breath (SOB)
- tremors
- dizziness
- balance issues
- blurry vision
- extreme fatigue
- brain fog and memory issues
- tinnitus
- neuropathy in feet, hands, arms
- muscle spasms
- adrenalin surges
- weight loss
- numbness and tingliness
- limbs feeling like they're gonna give out
- blood pressure issues
- heat intolerance
- insomnia
- sweating profusely or no sweating at all, which leads to f-ed up temperature regulation


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