COVID vs Vaccine Hospitalization - What are the Rates? 8 Jan 2022

2 years ago

Factual, science-based and unbiased information about the COVID vaccines and the latest data for children in the USA.
The COVID vaccines were recently authorized for children, and the CDC director declared on 10 Dec 2021 that there were no side effects in children 5-11 yo. Vaccines are the only authorized form of medication against COVID. Early results have shown a spectacular efficacy of 95%, however new data has shown a drop in efficacy with time and have been published in peer-reviewed journals, and reported on official websites (for ex. CDC's VAERS). In this video we show official data regarding hospitalization rates due to COVID infection, and after vaccination in various age groups.

All the data used and shown in this video is official, public, and (when specifically mentioned) peer-reviewed and published. This content is in accordance with public data from local health authorities, the CDC, and it does not breach YouTube COVID-19 policies.

The safety of creators, viewers, and partners is the highest priority of Stanbridge Scientific. The content posted here does not include any misinformation regarding treatment, prevention, diagnostic, prevention, social distancing, or any claim denying the existence of COVID-19. This content does not constitute a medical advice or a remedy against diseases.

All the data shown in this video is official and can accessed freely at the links below.

Links to data shown

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