See the most beautiful sanctuary of love birds Fischer _ collective breeding of fisher birds _ Love Birds Colony Breeding

3 years ago

See the most beautiful sanctuary of love birds Fischer 🐦
collective breeding of fisher birds
Love Birds Colony Breeding 🦜
Fischer's lovebird : 🐦🦜🐦
Fischer's lovebirds show no sexual dimorphism; Therefore, it is impossible to tell whether an individual is male or female through plumage alone.

The sexes of Agapornis fischeri appear the same, and are distinguished with certainty through DNA testing, and less certainly by their habits in perching. Generally, females sit with their legs farther apart than males because the female pelvis is wider.
شاهذ أجمل محمية لطيور الحب الفيشر
تربية جماعية لطيور الفيشر
تربية الفيشر في سلاكة كبيرة.
(وَلَسَوْفَ يُعْطِيكَ رَبُّكَ فَتَرْضَى) بسم الله ماشاء الله❤
عالم الطيور الزينة 🦜
هذه القناة تقدم لكم أحدث الفيديوهات في مجال طيور الزينة 🐦
🦜 world of Ornamental Birds
🦜 Monde des Oiseaux d'ornement
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108 Y
The location of the film is Tunisia 🇹🇳

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