"DOWN THE RABBIT-HOLE of Open-Source Journalism" | Open Inquisition #1

3 years ago

This is just an introduction to the essay collection, The Open Inquisition, which will delve into some macabre or taboo subject that I'm interested in --- as of late, it's been government conspiracies and FOIA releases --- which I'll present in a video and podcast form, as well as a write-up of what I find on my Substack... me, J.A. Krupka, the person writing this right now.

I'm still figuring out YouTube and Rumble, and my videos are available there; and my socials are here if you want to talk to me, or suggest a topic for me to cover. I'm a pretty dark dude, but I'll definitely entertain your ideas.

"Down the rabbit-hole of open source journalism". https://bigbrotherholdingcompany.substack.com/p/down-the-rabbit-hole-of-open-source

Twitter: @BigBrotherHC
@BigBrotherHolds (Threads & Publication)
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Instagram: @bigbrotherholding.co
Gab Social: @BigBrotherHoldingCompany

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