The tribulation will begin and Jesus will leave everyone who is not ready left behind

2 years ago

Jesus is coming now and when the trumpet sounds thousands of people will just be gone and the lukewarm phony fake Christians will be left behind because they acted like they know Jesus but He doesn't know them at all and you can't earn your way to heaven by being a church member and doing good deeds you get to heaven by accepting Jesus and denying yourself and wearing the robes of righteousness Jesus provides, many will say to Me Lord Lord did we not go to church all the time? Were missionaries, gave money to church, preached on the streets and did good signs and I will say depart from Me for I never knew you!! The foolish brides are those who do not have the Holy Spirit in their lives at all and go to church all the time and never repent ever or accept Jesus they act like they know Jesus but their hearts are on lunch, the world, money, jobs and not on God at all, the wicked will all be crushed and children whose wicked parents gave them the vaccine will be left behind to because their Devil parents gave them over to Satan like the pagan cultures did and gave kids to Molech or Baal and wicked parents are doing it again, God will crush everyone who got the vaccines and will throw everyone who worships the antichrist and got his demonic vaccine mark of the beast into the lake of fire, nothing impure shall ever enter heaven or the New jersalem and those with the vaccines are walking demonic people now and their DNA is changed and belong to the antichrist and Satan forever, there is zero forgiveness for anyone who worships the antichrist and gets his demonic vaccine mark of the beast, God sees them as His enemies and they are and throwing parties for getting the vaccines but they will not party when God gives them all boils, demons tormenting them, the sun soarching them and they will long to die but death will flee!! In Noah day there were the nephilim and they are half angel and half human and those with the vaccine are nephilim now their DNA is changed and are wicked demonic people and God destroyed the wicked in Noah flood and Sodom and Gomorrah because He was trying to destroy all the nephilim but some escaped and went to England, Egypt and everywhere and it was the nephilim who built the pyramids, it was the nephilim who built Stonehenge and they are back again, those left behind will be on a very wicked satanic planet, Satan and his demonic fallen angels will be on earth and will be very angry, the antichrist will take control over the entire world and will be the most evil man ever lived!! Worse then Hitler or Nero and he will be deciving the entire world that he is the messiah and to bow down and worship him and get his demonic vaccine mark of the beast or die!! You either follow Jesus or the antichrist in the tribulation period and no middle ground at all

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