Fear. Where were you when Fear became the Norm?

3 years ago

I never knew fear in all my years of life.

Now, suddenly it is common.
Expected, undetected.
A staple just like bread and water.

WHEN did this happen?

I do not remember the day or time.
But the stench of it covers the Earth.

So when did this happen?
For the World?

What is it and where does it come from?

I believe these are good questions.
Now, it is time to squash it underfoot.


First recognize it.
Second, remember before you knew it.
Third, remember before you knew it.
Fourth, Remember your life before it and compare. What if anything is different?
Finally, Crush it!

ARTIFICIAL FEAR(Lies) are the bullets of Agenda 21.

It is manifest by a few, distributed to the many to destroy our will and energy to continue to dream and build.

Sick stuff, yes?

A very real tactic.
FEAR is only a mind focus.

Reach out to one another.
Here, there everywhere.

Get out and socialize.
The goal of fear is to isolate.

I am here.
We are here.

People in the neighborhood are there.

There is nothing to fear, but it is the Agenda of United Nations 21.

Look it up. It is so easy....

Here... "Agenda 21"

Search this and read it.
It is a very open and easy read.

Then, have no fear... You are informed and secure in knowledge.

Then, reach out and speak.

The Pub is always open and it belongs to you.

Relax and talk... I guarantee there is always someone here who appreciates and welcomes your thoughts.

God's peace my beloved family. All.

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