Campaspe Ridge (Campaspe King x Roustabout Lil) - Scrub

3 years ago

Campaspe Ridge (Campaspe King x Roustabout Lil)

Ridge is a big, leggy, black and tan dog, with great speed and movement. He’s part of the Kelpie outcross (through his mother Lil) to improve the natural backing ability of the Campaspe Working Dogs.

Even though he is out of a Kelpie bitch, he has thrown back strongly to Moorlands Tomie, and reminds me enormously of Tomie in his work, movement, and looks.

He’s a huge natural casting dog, and has the ability to head, drive and balance to an exceptional degree, which is something I breed strongly for. He’ll look after the lead, the tail, and in between. Some dog people say you can’t have a dog that is both a driving and heading dog, but that is simply not true. Perhaps in their line of dogs it never occurs, or in their experience, but it is certainly possible, and indeed indispensable if you want a truly top dog.

He’s got lovely break, and a high degree of both short and mob cover, although not as much short cover as Tomie. A very intelligent, brainy worker.

Ridge is quickly proving himself a highly prepotent sire, which is a surprise given that he is an outcross dog. To date I would rate him easily as the most prepotent sire I have ever used (certainly when bred over my bitches).

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