It's Your Experience (It's Your Career Series Playbook #3a, Ep. 5)

3 years ago


In this episode, we discuss all the different experiences availalbe to the U.S. Navy Supply Corps officer. This episode covers through page 22, and touches on these areas of interest:

Opening/Intro 00:00

Flag Aide & Executive Billets 3:23

Supply Corps School Instructor 5:17

Overseas Assignments 6:06

6:47 Communities of Interest
Acquisition (ACQ) 6:48
Business Financial Management (BFM) 12:53
Supply Chain Management (SCM) 16:33
Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) Internship 20:09
Training With Insustry (TWI) 20:57
Naval Special Warfare (NSW) 22:40
Naval Expeditionary Forces (NEF) 27:32
Operational Logistics Planner (OPLOG Planner) 30:51
Pertroleum Management - Fuels 35:50
The remainder of this playbook, pages 23 through 32 are discussed in Playbook #3b, Ep 6.

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