If this remains the title

2 years ago

I would like to plead for your forgiveness. If this remains the title then it needs an explanation.
Are there any unforgivable sins? Blaspheming against the holy spirit seems to be the most damnable sin.
So can we forgive Gates, Soros and the Clintons? Their foundations are the control which attach
to the money strings of our politicians whom the foundations share with corporate interests.
Would forgiving them give me peace? I would like to plead for your forgiveness.

Bill Gates does seem to deserve something approximating forgiveness. His company Microsoft made the
operating system that I use every day on my computer. Nobody forced me to use Microsoft, but he
did and still does have a tidy monopoly on PC operating systems. After being the richest man
in the world for a while he rebranded himself as a philanthropist and started the Bill and Melinda
Gates foundation. Is there any wonder why he thinks he has authority?

George Soros' foundation is the Open Society Foundation(s). This foundation seems to have a focus
on philanthropy and grants to help aid; education, public health and civil society. Again
these pesky billionaires are throwing money at the worlds problems! This man seems to deserve at
least a degree of forgiveness.

Well you know who is next? Well the Clinton Foundation is next and they also seem to promote a few
"initiatives" which seem to focus on a systems theory approach to saving the world! How refreshing
it is to have so many billionaires coming to our rescue. Climate initiatives to cure climate change and
Health initiatives to get those much needed medicines to areas that need it.

Do these foundations seem to be masks to you? Are they a front put on by George, Bill and Hillary?
If all of the "fake news" that Hillary first complained of is baseless; do they therein deserve our
forgiveness? They may have skeletons in their closet but did they blaspheme the holy spirit?

"A tiny minority and cowardice at the top." as Bari Weiss and Jordan Peterson put it in reference to
institutions. That is all that it took. A tiny minority of gays and cowards in congress ruined and
tainted the institution of marriage. A minority of Blacks, being in the minority of victims of police
violence; were stirred up, gaslit, funded, armed and then allowed by the cowards in power to loot,
burn and now terrorize American cities. Now: a minority of billionaires, the corporate media
and cowardly politicians seem to be coercing people into taking poisonous injections for a virus that the
citizens paid for with their taxes.

"If you can't say looting is bad. If you can't say that segregation is evil and wrong...that is enough
for me to raise the alarm." - Bari Weiss


So, where are we to place the blame? Is there a cabal playing 4d chess? Is it a plot by the masons to
transmute our spirits in the hopes of bringing to being a new Golden Age? Is it corporate chaos, divide
and conquer, murder and mayhem? Did the breakdown of the family and traditional christian values lead
us to where we are today? The demons and djinns are arrayed before us as gigantic holograms yet these
same spirits are blind and as impotent as individual insects if we refuse to give them power. And the projectors
they fly from are you and me. I ask for forgiveness for me and all the scribes who "walk in long
robes, and love greetings in the marketplaces, the chief seats in the synagogues, and the places of honor
at banquets."

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