The ATF Is Coming For You If You Own These Guns!, is click bate Gun God prayer request truther speak

3 years ago

BUT in fact speak it means The ATF might Come For You If You Own some trigger group kits
if you allowed it! , or so said a recent internal ATF email leak where they took notice of ;
the 2 stage, hard-reset "Wide Open Trigger" that shortens the length and time a trigger needs to
reset itself, using the elastic energy of the patent-pending spring carrier to force it into a neutral
or reset position & the 1/8th of an inch Force reset $450 Rare Breed FRT-15 reverse hair trigger
that both still only allow a single shot per smooth, crisp, creep-free trigger pull in semi-automatic
AR-15 platforms BUT the atf wants this retro classified as a machine gun violating the NFA
if we assume they WILL do a forward trace to your house &
assume they will seize all your guns &
assume they will jail you &
& proclaim that this is just like "1993" ( Waco ) &
proclaim the constitution does not say it is illegal to own a 2019 Trigger?! &
we "can" claim they are coming for you if you own certain "guns"
well then
technically we cannot be "lying"

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