I am proud to be a Canadian!

3 years ago

FreedomConvoy2022 FreedomConvoy Freedom for Canada !

To my country & fellow citizens;
I do not have the words to express how grateful I am for you. This is a moment in history we will look back on with pride forever. The way we have come together to show one another we care... it is impossible to put that feeling into words. We have always been a peaceful loving, inclusive country and we shouldn’t be surprised that it was us that not only finally stood up and recognized that but did something about it.
I love you Canada.
To all the parents;
Let’s recognize the importance of teaching our children critical thinking. Remember to nurture them and encourage them to feel comfortable using their voices to stand up for who they are and their greater purpose. Teach them by leading by example. Remind them of this time and tell them about how we came together to support one another’s views and our rights to have them without division and hate. Teach them what it truly means to be a Canadian.
To our children;
There will come a time again your life where you will have to fight and defend your freedoms.
When this time comes we hope that you will be able to see who is truly creating the division amongst you. That you will remember to love the neighbour and that your fellow citizens are your allies not your enemy. Remember love & unity over hate and division.
Always respect each other and your difference of opinions, and remember that ultimately what you are fighting for is the ability to have them.

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