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2 years ago

In most cases, losing weight is as simple as eating less and exercising more. That’s why you want to focus on eating healthy food instead of calorie counting—exercising is great for burning calories, but only if it doesn’t work against you. Eating healthy foods that are filling and packed with nutrients will not only help you control your portions, but it can also help keep you from getting hungry during those long stretches between meals or snacking when you really don’t need to. Eating a healthy diet won’t guarantee fast weight loss results (or any results at all), but withOne reason it’s so easy to overeat is that many of us make food decisions based on emotion, whether we realize it or not. When we see something tasty, like a cookie or a piece of chocolate cake, it makes us happy, at least for a moment. After all, who doesn’t like a sweet treat? But because most people don’t regularly eat sweets (let alone in large quantities), these treats are only likely to make us happy if we don’t have them very often. The same goes for salty snacks and greasy fast food. In other words: If you want to win your battle with weight loss , try eating more healthy food!out one, weight loss can seem like an impossible task.


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