Xuzhou mother: what happens when women are worth less than animals 江苏徐州8个孩子的母亲被铁链锁在破屋中,中国底层女性的命运

3 years ago

Last week a Chinese mother of 8 children was found chained up in a dilapidated shed in Xuzhou, Jiangsu. This poor woman appeared to have mental issues and yet was forced to have 8 children over the years. People who knew her said when she first arrived in the village, she was educated and could even speak English. However now she can barely put together a coherent sentence and had lost all her teeth. The most infuriating part of this story is that nobody was held responsible for this whole situation. I provided my thoughts on the lack of legislations protecting the disadvantaged women in China in this video, please feel free to join my discussions and if you could, also please share it to more people to call for awareness.

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