👤 Where Are We In Biblical Prophecy Pt 5 - Will The Antichrist Arise In Europe? - Derek Prince

2 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Will The Antichrist Arise In Europe?. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. Bible prophecy reveals much concerning the end of the age. The "secret things" remain hidden, but it is our responsibility to study and to act on the "revealed things." This assures our preservation and ultimate victory.

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Table of Contents:
I. Background
A. Meanings of “anti”
B. Three forms (1 John 2:18)
C. Marks of the spirit of antichrist
D. First historical manifestation of spirit of antichrist (Matt. 27:21–22; John 19:14–15);
distinguish from paganism
II. Rise Of Antichrist Predicted (2 Thess. 2:1–12)
A. Must precede “the Day of the Lord” (2:1–2)
B. Called “Man of Lawlessness,” “Son of Perdition” (2:3 [compare John 17:12])—way
prepared by apostasy in the church
C. Opposes God—claims to be God—takes His seat in the temple (2:4–5)
D. But first, restraining power (Holy Spirit?) must be withdrawn (2:5–7)
E. Jesus will personally overthrow the antichrist at His coming (parousia) (2:8).
F. Coming (parousia) of the antichrist to be accompanied by deceiving miracles (2:9).
G. Only one protection: to receive the love of the truth (2:10)
H. To all others God will send delusion—leading to damnation (2:11–12)
III. Describes Rise Of Antichrist In Symbols (Rev. 13)
A. Wild beast from sea (13:1–2) = politics?
B. Sequence of events
1. Receives from dragon ( = Satan) power, throne, authority (13:2)
2. One head experiences apparent resurrection from death (13:3)
3. All the earth worships Satan and the beast (= the “resurrected” head) (13:4)
Contrast Jesus in Matt. 4:8–11
4. To continue in power 42 months = 3 ½ years (13:5)
5. Blasphemes the true God (13:6)
6. Persecutes and overcomes the “saints”—authority over every tribe, people, language
and nation (13:7)
7. Worshiped by the whole earth—except those in the Book of Life (13:8)
8. Patient endurance by saints (13:9–10, NIV)
9. Second beast from earth ( = religion?) (13:11)
10. Causes all earth’s dwellers to worship the first beast (13:12)
11. By dramatic miracles, persuades earth’s dwellers to make a talking idol of the first
beast (13:13–15)
12. Death sentence on all who refuse to worship (13:15)
13. Counterfeit Trinity/church
14. Imposes sign on forehead or hand (13:16–17 [compare Rev. 7:1–4; 14:1])
15. Calculate number of name by adding together numerical value of all letters (in Greek
“Jesus” = 888) (13:18)
16. 10 horns = 10 kings submitted to Beast (17:12–13). Last stage of Gentile
governments in opposition to God (correspond to 10 toes in Dan. 2:41–45)
IV. Old Testament Revelations
A. Four successive Gentile empires: (Dan. 2:31–33)
1. Head of gold = Babylon
2. Shoulders and two arms of silver = Medo-Persia
3. Belly and thighs of bronze = Greece (Reproductive parts)
4. Two legs of iron = Rome, divided between:
5. Feet partly iron, partly clay = final stage of Rome
6. Stone that became a mountain = kingdom of Christ
—This destroys the last stage of the four empires
7. 10 toes correspond to 10 kings of Rev. 17:12–17
—5 toes on each leg—spans Europe and Middle East
8. Two legs:
a. Western leg mainly Christian (primarily Catholic)
b. Eastern leg mainly Islamic
c. Combination requires world religion without Jesus—amalgamating Judaism,
Christianity and Islam
d. European community only a preliminary stage
B. Daniel 8, Depicts Ram = Persia Goat = Greece
C. Satan’s throne is Pergamum (Rev. 2:13)
D. Satan gives Antichrist his throne (Rev. 13:2)
V. We Must Cultivate The Love Of The Truth (2 Thess. 2:10–12)

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