Israel: Past, Present & Future, Pt 2 - Israel & The Church: Parallel Restoration - Derek Prince

3 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Israel & The Church: Parallel Restoration. This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. The name Israel occurs about 2,600 times in the Bible. In this comprehensive series, Derek Prince paints a clear picture of God's dealings with Israel—and instruction on how to pray for Israel.

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Table of Contents:
I. God’s Central Purpose Today: Restoration
A. The period of restoration of all things (Acts 3:21 [compare Matt. 17:11])
To restore: to put back in the right place and condition
B. The set time to favor Zion (God’s people on earth): (Ps. 102:13–16) Immediately
before Christ’s return in glory
II. Theme Of Joel: Desolation — Restoration — Judgment
A. In the forefront: two trees
1. Fig tree: Israel
2. Vine: Church
B. Desolation (Joel 1:6–12)
1. Especially corn, wine, oil
2. Compare Luke 21:29—the fig tree and all the trees
C. Restoration (Joel 2:21–25) including corn, wine, oil
D. Judgment (Joel 3:14)—the valley of decision
E. At the trumpet of Jubilee (Lev. 25:8–10)
1. Every man returns to his possession
2. The house of Jacob shall possess their possessions (Obad. 17)
III. Parallel Features For Israel And The Church
A. Cause of desolation:
In both cases—disobedience, rejection of God’s Word
B. Instrument of desolation: In both cases—an invading army
1. Compared to insects (see Joel 1:4; 2:25)
2. For Israel, these are literal armies
3. For the Church, they are demons
C. Motive of restoration (Ezek. 36:22–23)
1. Not for our deserts
2. But by God’s grace and for God’s glory
D. A sovereign intervention of God (Ezek. 36:24–30)
1. “I Will” 18 times
2. Compare Acts 2:17
E. God requires a response from His people (Ezek. 36:37)
F. Compared to the reuniting of a body (Ezek. 37:7–10 [compare Eph. 4:11–16])
Three successive phases:
1. Bones
2. Complete bodies
3. A great army
G. Compared to the rejoining of two divided peoples (Ezek. 37:15–19)
1. The two kingdoms of Judah and Israel become one nation
2. Compare Protestants and Catholics/true and false church
H. The cost of restoration (Hos. 2:15)
1. The valley of trouble for a door of hope
2. Giving up familiar places and associations—returning to swamps, deserts,
hard labor, war
3. Honor the “pioneers”
I. The result of restoration (Ezek. 37:21–23)
1. A single people, with one king, one language, similar customs, clothing,
practices, interests
2. Each returning group makes its special contribution
J. Restoration also implies judgment
1. The valley of decision (Joel 3:14)
2. The fishers (Zionists) and the hunters (Nazis) (Jer. 16:14–18)
3. In Hitler’s day many European Jews left it too late (Ezek. 20:33–38); many
Christians are in danger of doing the same
4. Those who refuse the truth of God clearly revealed will be handed over to the
deceptions of antichrist (2 Thess. 2:8–12)

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