Audiophile Show Reference Music Tracks - Part 1 - Why Some of these Tracks Get Used and Their Value

3 years ago

In this 2 part series, I discuss and share music clips of the most common audiophile reference tracks heard at the shows. I've been going to these shows for over 20 years, so I have a very good idea of what tracks are used and why.

This video is primarily a discussion of why these tracks are used and how much value you can/should take from them...both from a YouTube recording perspective as well as from playing them natively on your system.

With the upcoming Florida Audio Show in Tampa February 2022, I will no doubt have video footage of various rooms where one of these audiophile reference songs are playing. Likely, I will hear all of them, but we'll see how much gets recorded.

In part 2, I share music clips on my system which will give you a benchmark to compare. For those who don't get a chance to go to audiophile shows, you may not have heard of these tracks yet. For those that go to the shows, you are probably sick of these "audiophile" only songs.

Either way, I hope you enjoy and, if you can make to Tampa, feel free to reach out and say hi.

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