Dubbed Anime Sucks, Nope!

3 years ago

Dubbed anime sucks
As anime continues to grow in popularity by leaps and bounds, the age old questions keeps coming up, Dubbed or Subbed?
This video is an answer to all of the Dub Anime Sucks trolls out there.
Whose lackluster arguments have gone on for far too long.
Should anime be subtitled and fans relegated to reading them or is dubbing them in different languages better for the anime art form?

Here the 4 most popular arguments against anime dubs are responded to and further arguments made as to why dub anime is superior for many many human people.

Please enjoy Subtitles Only Mountain Trolls!

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Transition Lines By: Molly Searcy (from Akame Ga Kill, GATE, Girls und Panzer, & many more!)

Footage is used for review and commentary purposes only. In the United States this falls under Fair Use guidance and serves as a model for all WIPO countries (including Japan).
Each included clip is short (under 10 seconds) and does not replace watching the film.

We encourage our viewers to support and watch each property we discuss. Our goal is to encourage people to watch “title” and anime in general.

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#dubbedanimesucks #DubsvsSubs #DubbedAnime #SubbedAnime #anime #animereview
#animeedit #dubbed #subbed

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