Hollywood Actress Confesses That She Wants A Gun For Protection Due to Rising Crime in LA

3 years ago

Meagan Good Gun

The relationship between Hollywood and Guns is very much abusive.

Hollywood has no problem glorifying and even downright fetishizing firearms in their movies which but for the most part, the actors, producers, and the people in Hollywood hate guns in their real life.

Even if an actor likes guns and supports the second amendment in real life, they can't talk about it because they'll be blackballed.

So when I heard the Actress Megan Good Say this, I was surprised because you're not allowed to be openly pro-gun in Hollywood.

The biggest takeaway from this video clip is the lack of politics and ideology.

Megan didn't wax poetic about having a come to Jesus moment about becoming a democrat or republican.

She didn't do a deep-sea dive into her conflict with her inner ideology.

She was confronted with reality, and she took reality for what it is.

If she's at home and someone breaks into her home, she wants the best thing possible to stop them from hurting her, and whether you like it or not, that thing is a gun.

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