Toyota timing chain water pump replacement fj cruiser 4 runner tacoma tundra

3 years ago

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Whining Noise FIXED!!!
Took in my FJ for headgasket repair initially. came back with oil leak from timing cover with loud roaring, grinding, whining noise that was never there before. The shop coulnd't figure it out. Nor did I trust them anymore. So I took on the repair myself. Suspected damaged Oil Pump, Worn out chain guide. Visually could not see anything wrong, Oil pump wear and tear was well within the spec.
Only thing Noticed was that Chain tensioner piston looked like it recently pushed out to new level recently (clean shinny surfece exposed) and also Crank chain cog was worn to outside of the spec. So I replaced all the tensioner , chains , guides and cogs with CLOYEES Timing kit.
What happened at the original repair shop is most likely as they tighten the crank bolt, They just took the impact wrench to it without even a harmonic balancer holding tool .and that's how they torqued it. No proper holder tool with actual torque wrench to 185ft/lb ( crank bolt came off too easily) . But when they did that improper way of torqueing, the chain tensioner piston popped out a few notches too far, resulting in chain tension too tight.

Regarding the oil leak from timing cover, the residual oil drips from the passenger side camshaft are down towards P/S pump. So If you have lots of oil left in camshaft area at the top, they will be draining towards freshly siliconed timing cover seam in P/S pump region, leading to poor seal and oil leak.
so before putting the timing cover, the residual oil in camshaft are really needs to be taken care of, .and let it cure Legit 24hrs prior to pouring oil into the engine.

I might re do this vid since it's very poor quality and sound. but for now, plz like and subscribe More repair projects on the way!!! and any questions in the comment. I'll try my best to answer. Cheers!

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