The Best 4X and Grand Strategy Game of 2022

2 years ago

Best Turnbased 4x and God Strategy Games of 2022

Hello, Welcome to Bart’s Gaming Corner! 2022 promises to be a great year for video games in almost every genre. So let’s take a look at what we can expect on the front of first class turnbased 4X and Grand Strategy Games! One thing I noticed by the way, about this list, is the great number of promising space strategy games.

So let’s begin!

- Old World
- Knights of Honor 2 -Sovereign
- Victoria III
- Galactic Civilisations IV
- Terra Invicta
- Alliance of the Sacred Suns
- Dust Fleets
- Distant Worlds 2
- Punk Wars
- Master of Magic
- BOC -> Birth of Civilisation

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