GeoEngineering Weather Warfare Chemtrails & Morgellens disease

2 years ago

This video is a compilation of several other documentaries edited into 1 for the people on the go.
Experts testify before congress and local town halls.
What are the strange-looking clouds and streaks in the sky?
Are they anti-bacteriological warfare chemicals being tested by the federal government?
Is the public systematically kept in the dark?
What is in a Chemtrails?
What do meteorologists and pilots know or are being told?
Did 'Chemtrails' begin around 1996-97?
Are there Zero references to unusual, persistent cloud trails before that date,
so 'contrails' are not today's concern.

Contrails are natural occurring (water vapor)
Chemtrails are not natural but produced (chemicalA secret program? - DARPA or 'Project Cloverleaf' spraying the public with deadly chemicals, bio-agents. Or some kind of secret Government Weather Control?
"Owning the Weather by 2025"
Is HAARP connected? Are we unsuspecting guinea pigs? A Controlled depopulation program starting with the US? Is the media being silenced? Is there something we can do?
Sec. 1520a. - Restrictions on use of human subjects for testing of chemical or biological agents
U.S. Federal Code on Biological Testing on U.S. Citizens
watch to find out for yourself and do some more research to find detox protocols!

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