No liability means no trust | Dr. Paul Alexander on the bad deal of getting the COVID jab and more

3 years ago

No liability means no trust.
No liability + massive profit incentive means absolutely no trust.
No liability + massive profit incentive + long term track record of crimes against public health means still less trust.

No liability means that the manufacturer does not believe in their product enough to provide 'warranty'. It also means they have much less incentive to do adequate safety testing and product quality control. These kinds of activities cost money and time, which could lead to delays. In a situation where a product is assumed to be safe until the contrary has been perfectly proven, doing these activities can ONLY lead to a neutral or negative outcome for the manufacturer.

In a context where the manufacturer has no liability, they even have an incentive to produce a harmful product, because if it harms people without killing them, the manufacturer can earn more money from the (chronic) medications required to treat the damage. Would a manufacturer be that cruel? Absolutely! They have proven that many times. Do some research on thalidomide and Vioxx to get an idea.

Remember that the manufacturers have a MASSIVE informational advantage over the public:
THEY know exactly what's in their product, WE don't.
They know much more than we about the risks, because they are experts on the subject and we aren't.
They have detailed knowledge about the adverse events, we don't. (They're working to keep the data hidden for 75 years, which is a VERY bad sign.)
They know about batch to batch variability, we don't.

The jabs provide absolute no protection against infection and transmission, and the latest data even suggest NEGATIVE efficacy. That means that vaccinated are a HIGHER infection risk for themselves and others. The vaccine clinical trials even show HIGHER all cause mortality in the vaccinated group.

COVID is also a very low risk to young, healthy, lean people. Natural immunity is significantly superior to vaccinated immunity in terms of durability, robustness and reducing transmission. To reduce the risk of both severe disease and long lasting disease, there are cheap, available, harmless, highly effective prevention and treatment protocols to protect yourself and others.

Because of all this, NOBODY should take the COVID jabs and children should NEVER get the COVID jab.

Some people (reluctantly) accept the jabs for non-medical reasons, because they want to keep their job, go on vacation, et cetera. This is absolutely the wrong decision because you can never comply your way out of tyranny. Even if you comply, the goal posts will keep being moved by the abusive authorities. The right response is to stand up together against tyranny and for informed consent, bodily autonomy and science and logic based public health policy with public health as the highest priority.

Dr. Paul Alexander is the former COVID Pandemic advisor to the World Health Organization (2020) and former Senior Advisor to the White House, specifically for the COVID Pandemic policy in the U.S. government, Health and Human Services (HHS).

To learn more about Dr. Paul Alexander, go to


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