Custom Cat Tower Plans

3 years ago

We got two little Maine Coon kittens recently and they have begun to want to climb and scratch. In order to fill that desire, we have designed and created a cat tower for the most robust of cats. We were able to create it out of all recycled materials. (Except the rope.) It turned out so adorable. I am pleased to be able to share my plans for it with you.

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00:00 Intro
00:30 Cut wood dimensions
02:05 Stain the wood
03:50 Cut base carpet
04:51 Prepare cat hammock
09:20 Prepare cat basket
10:32 Prepare cat toy
11:41 Tower base construction
12:56 Attach base carpet
14:31 Add rope transition
15:03 Tower top construction
16:09 Attach small post
16:39 Attach octagon perch
16:57 Add trim pieces
17:36 Create cat ladder
22:24 Attach cat toy
22:51 Hang Hammock
25:20 Add rope for scratching posts
27:13 Add fleece
28:56 Add basket
29:54 outro

#wisdompreserved #emmalinehoffmeister #marieoverton #recyclecattower #DIYcattower #cattower #cattree #catcondo

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