Roof Leak Repair

3 years ago

How to repair a roof leak going from shingles to metal roofing. Phil and the guys had to pull off 5 layers of shingles, replace plywood, and put metal onto a roof repair.

This area has been leaking water for a while. It took several attempts to find out where the shingles were leaking. The leak on the inside looked to be in a different area.

You can see how the cut and replaced the plywood. Then we put a metal roof over that section of the roof. That should fix the leaky roofing.

Remember, everything requires maintenance.

00:00 Follow along with a handyman
00:25 Pealing off the shingle to get to the plywood under
00:48 Trying to find the damage area
01:15 They had to open up and climb underneath to find the leak
01:25 We'll replace the 5 layers of shingles with metal after replacing plywood
01:40 Cutting and installing the plywood over the hole
03:00 Sometimes you just have to hammer the plywood into the spot
03:45 He uses screws in home improvement because they don't back out
04:45 The cold and gloves are slowing them down
05:15 They replaced that complete section of roof with metal
05:52 Be an American not an American't

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