Senator Ron Johnson - Covid 19 Hearing, A Second Look 1/24/2022

3 years ago

A shortened version of the 4 hour and 40 minute or so hearing to 1 hour and 6 minutes of the most important revelations that everyone should know. Our corrupt media cancels anyone that dares to inform the public of the truth about Covid. This is worth watching and sharing, our hospital protocols pushed by Dr. Fauci and the CDC are killing patients in favor of receiving lots of Covid money to push certain drugs that are not safe. They always say "follow the money to seek the truth". This hearing covers why masks do not work against this virus, why the best and effective treatments that costs thousands of dollars less are not allowed to be used. It also covers vaccine injuries, and why our children should not take this jab that is not safe for adults, certainly should not be mandated for our children. Listen to the experts for a change, and not the talking heads reading their scripts calling it the news. The lies about "Natural Immunity", lies about Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin have caused many deaths where it was not permitted to be used by doctors & pharmacies. Our military is at risks due to these insane mandates and miscarriages, cancers, and neurological issues are all up since the mandated jabs. Please listen and share what the media has been censoring.

Please share this video with those you love and those that are not willing to do their own research.

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