Prostitution Used for Chinese Takeover w/ Child/Narcotics Trafficking?

3 years ago

UN Chinese World Bank Bribe Money goes where it is most effective.

The UN, World Bank, and Corporate Organized Crime have been invading your privacy the last 6 decades to launch the Great Reset of World Banking ripping off all the world's wealth to put in fewer hands than ever before.

After the War of 1812, the 200 year plan to take over the world was launched by the banking elites who got rich off of slave trade, opium, and piracy on the open seas. Who won the War of 1812, and what does that have to do with the Battle of Waterloo 1815?

Go to a convention at some high class hotels and there are 3 seminars and meetings such as Chinese Intelligence, Big Pharma, and Politicians where high end prostitutes are included in room price, the walls can be slid open so all these groups can interact with each other. Foreign Bank Account transfers and no one is the wiser.

#BoycottMcD #No46 #Restore45 #ExposeFauci #BillClintonIsARapist #StopTheSteal #EndTheBS #CoofDestroyer #HillaryForPrison #AlexJones #J6NewIndependenceDay #SackDemocrats #MeToo #DeathJab22 #BanUN #USConstitutionParty #BlockadeChina #FreeVietnam #StopTheBS #SecularHumanism #GreatReset #GreenNewDeal #CriticalRaceTheory #StopCRT

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