APACT: 2022/01/27 - Cardinal Burke And Raymond Arroyo Discuss Strategy And Vatican II Denial

3 years ago

This week on A Podcast About Catholic Things, Eric (The Ambassador of Common Sense) and Dan (The Ambassador of Nonsense) discuss the latest leftist name-calling: 'Vatican II Deniers'. Much like science-denier, climate-denier, and the age-old name 'RACIST', V2-denier has become a way for left leaning Catholics (those who wish to break from our 2000 year old traditions) to change the dialogue and put conservatives (or rather, traditionalists, or even, traditional Catholics) on the defense--instead of on the offence, where we belong. Cardinal Burke discusses this with Raymond Arroyo on The World Over, and Eric and Dan dissect his answers.

In current events, two men are arrested in connection to the synagogue hostage event in Texas last week. Red Cross asks hackers to turn themselves in. France continues to outlaw non-vaccination… except in political rallies. US and other countries continue to aid Ukraine. Tropical storm, Ana, kills 23 people in Madagascar. James Webb Space Telescope enters into orbit and Deep Space Climate Observatory in second stage. Australia buys rights to Aboriginal flag. Canada outlaws conversion therapy. Trans child molester goes to juvie at age 26.

In the land of nonsense, a man finds a bug in his ear. A man attaches many spoons to his body. Weber Grill recipe for Meatloaf.

Saint of the week: Saint Isaac Jogues.

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