2022-02-1 Today's Right Overnight News

2 years ago

News for today:

Zerohedge: Japanese study, Says, Ivermectin Has ‘Antiviral Effect’ Against Omicron And All Other ‘Mutant Strains’ Of Covid-19
This is not fake news or a reason to be canceled. ZH is reporting a Japanes study. So there, you big jerks. https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/ivermectin-has-antiviral-effect-against-omicron-and-all-other-mutant-strains-covid-19

Breitbart: R-TN Marsha Blackburn calls ofr special counsel to investigate Biden-China links.
She calls for Merrick Garland to appoint special counsel to investigate. I don’t think there is much chance, but we can always hope. https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/31/exclusive-sen-marsha-blackburn-calls-for-special-counsel-to-investigate-biden-family-china-business-dealings/

Breitbart: 23 former senators and reps, lobbying for China.
Democrats AND Republicans https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/31/red-handed-23-former-u-s-senators-and-congressmen-who-lobby-for-chinese-military-or-chinese-intelligence-linked-companies/

Breitbart: Texas seeks to get Federal judge to end the Migrant airlift program.
The mysterious Migrant Airlift mentioned last week by Breitbart is bypassing laws to move migrants out of the region, across the country. Are they documented?? https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2022/01/31/texas-asks-federal-judge-to-end-bidens-migrant-airlift-program/

Breitbart: LA Councilman wants to restrict pay to progress on homeless problem.
Remember the name: Joe Buscaino. I know nothing about him, but his proposal is success oriented – and he is going to run for Mayor. https://www.breitbart.com/local/2022/01/31/la-councilman-reduce-leaders-pay-homelessness-goals-not-reached/

Breitbart: The Rock supports Joe Rogan.
After Rogan made the video yesterday trying to quell the noise about old music stars pulling their songs from Spotify, Dwayne The Rock Johnson said he supported Rogan for making the apology. But The Rock also said he looks forward to being on his show! https://www.breitbart.com/entertainment/2022/01/31/dwayne-the-rock-johnson-supports-joe-rogan-after-he-pledges-to-change-strategy/

Gateway Pundit: ‘CBS Mornings’ Suggests Joe Rogan is Killing People with His Podcast
A little bit over the top, don’t ya think? https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/cbs-mornings-suggests-joe-rogan-killing-people-podcast-discussing-covid-19-video/

Gateway Pundit: New Hampshire pharmacists allowed to sell Ivermectin
Ivermectin distributed by pharmacists in New Hampshire, if they are licensed https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/new-hampshire-lawmakers-propose-bill-will-allow-pharmacists-administer-ivermectin-without-prescription/

GP: Wisconsin Spice company boss says all Republicans are racist. Oops. 40,000 clients gone in an instant!
I do not want to increase boycotting, but it is interesting to see the backlash. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2022/01/wisconsin-spice-company-loses-40000-customers-ceo-called-republicans-racist/

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