DEBATE: Should a Christian Observe the Torah Today?

3 years ago


Bradley Vazquez: Lead apologist and co-founder of AltarnateMedia Educated at Adat Bonei Olam in Biblical studies with a concentration in Rabbinic literature and philosophy.

Seamus McGowen: Lead historian and co-founder of AltarnateMedia. Educated and current student at liberty University for Biblical studies and theology with a concentration on Judaic studies.

Jeremiah Short: Pastoral intern and interim youth minister for First Presbyterian Church, Double Major from Faulkner University, attending Seminary at Westminster and Beeson Divinity School.

Noel Roberts: Preacher, teacher, and evangelist with a Bible and Theology degree from Mid-America Nazarene University.



-5 minutes for each participant to introduce themselves and their position

-10 Minutes opening statements

-3 Questions by each side with 2–5-minute responses.

-Cross examination period/discussion

-10-minute closing arguments

-Q&A for remaining time. Max 2-minute responses.

Intro Music:

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