Rack Pulls and Shoulder Press - 20220201

3 years ago

“You don't want to be in a place where there's no challenge. You might even quit your job if there's no challenge. Say, 'Well, that's a good job. It gives you security,' and you think, 'God, I can't stand this. It's eating away at my soul. It's all security and no challenge.' So why do you want a challenge? Because that's what you're built for. You're built to take on a maximal load, right? Because that's what strengthens you, and you need to be strong because life is extraordinarily difficult.

~Jordan Peterson

Today's Routine:

Barbell Rack Pull
Set 1 : 225x5
Set 2 : 315x5
Set 3 : 405x5
Set 4 : 405x5
Set 5 : 405x5

Smith Machine Rear Shoulder Press
Set 1 : 110x12
Set 2 : 130x12
Set 3 : 145x10
Set 4 : 160x8

Dumbbell One-Arm Row
Set 1 : 110x12
Set 2 : 110x12
Set 3 : 110x12

Dumbbell Shoulder Shrug
Set 1 : 110x20
Set 2 : 110x20
Set 3 : 110x20

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
Set 1 : 140x15
Set 2 : 160x12
Set 3 : 180x10

Machine Deltoid Raise
Set 1 : 75x15
Set 2 : 75x15
Set 3 : 75x15

Woobie Hoodie: https://woobiebrothersapparel.com/

#backday #bouldershoulders

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