Final Fantasy 1 Update Review - Brave Sir Robin

3 years ago

Edit update: The end text of the video.. yeah scratch that. The whole game is literally Brave Sir Robin, i beat it recently and wow XD

Obviously nothing can be compared to Monty Python version

Bravely bold Light Warriors, strove forth from Cornelia.
They were not afraid to die, o brave Light Warriors.
They were not at all afraid to be paralyzed in nasty ways. Brave brave brave brave Light Warriors
They were not at least bit scared to run out of potions, or to have Cockatrice stone the party, or be mashed by trolls.
To have their save file removed, and their data lost in nasty ways. Brave brave brave brave light warriors.
Their work in vain, their hearts cut out, their patience lost, their attempts in vain and their magic used...

(Thats, thats enough music for now lads)

Brave light warriors ran away


Bravely ran away away

( I didnt)

When danger reared its ugly head, They bravely turned their tail and fled.

Yeah Brave Light warriors turned about
(I didn`t)

And gallantly they chickened out, bravely taking to their feet,
(I never did)

They beat a very brave retreat.

(Oh, lie!)

Braves of the brave Light Warriors

(I never)

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