Ibn Kathir Tafsir - 1 - Surah Al Fatiha - Audiobook

3 years ago

Source: http://m.qtafsir.com/Surah-Al-Fatiha
Music: https://youtu.be/WvPtRxeWJXc
Painter: Ludwig Deutsch

(Btw sorry for the breathing sound in the mic. I moved the microphone more away so that it doesnt do that anymore) But i got microphone not long ago so now i can continue the audiobook of this one

Last Islamic Audiobook i will make (Most likely atleast). Because i think Sunni Hadiths from 1-6 of canon ones, and this Tafsir of Ibn Kathir seems like the most relevant ones to cover. I will read to certain point, then continue reading Ibn Kathir (Not done reading it myself. But just wanna get the long ones out of the way) I usually prefer audiobooks after reading. Since i think its more interesting to read first and then do audiobooks. Or its my way of doing it.

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