Healthy Sofia Benharira (17) dies of huge 'unexplained' pulmonary embolism 1 week after Pfizer jab

3 years ago

Sofia Benharira, who was only 17 years young and healthy, received her second Pfizer clot shot on September 14th, 2021. One week later, on September 21st, she died after suffering 2 cardiac arrests and a massive 'unexplained' pulmonary embolism. The cause of death was determined by autopsy at her family's request.

NB: An embolism is a blood clot that moves with the blood flow; a stationary blood clot is called a thrombus. Embolisms tend to get stuck where the blood vessels are smallest such as in the lungs (pulmonary embolism), brain (stroke) or heart (myocardial infarction).

This 'fact check' says that the allegation that Sofia was killed by the jab is misinformation:

"For the moment, nowhere in the world has an excess of mortality been identified among the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated, regardless of the age group studied or the country concerned."

A crucial reason for this has to do with misclassification. A large share of deaths tend to happen shortly after injection during the period where a person is considered unvaccinated. Professors Martin Neil, Norman Fenton and others make the analogy with a soldier that moves from a fox hole (unvaccinated) through a mine field (partially vaccinated) to a bunker (fully vaccinated). The period of partial vaccination is where the largest increase in mortality and morbidity occurs. These statistics are misleading because they are put in the UNvaccinated category instead of the PARTIALLY vaccinated.

See for more information the following video and the explanation and references in its description: 'Canadian data show immune suppression, adverse events during first weeks after first jab'

The 'fact check' also mentions that mortality after vaccination of children is rare. That may be the case, but the most important point is that the jab is significantly more harmful than the disease it is supposed to protect against. That the 'protection' is extremely dubious (perhaps fully explained by misclassification as described above) and short lasting, makes the risk-reward analysis even more negative.

The 'fact check' also displays the massive double standards: the COVID cult doesn't allow allegation that Sofia died because of the jab unless there is perfect proof of causality, but they have no problem saying how safe and effective the jab is, even if there they have vastly inadequate proof or worse, there is now proof to the contrary.

Remember: NEW medicines are unsafe and ineffective until perfectly proven otherwise. The burden of proof is on its proponents to provide perfect proof of necessity, safety and efficacy, not on its critics to provide perfect proof to the contrary.


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