Darkweb best free hacking website

3 years ago

One of the hardest things about the Deep Web is that it is almost impossible to search for anything as search engines do not work there, so you need resources like this to find what you are looking for.

It is estimated that 90% of all internet data and websites are hidden from search engine indexing, this area of the internet is known as the Deep Web.

Then there is another smaller sub-set of the Deep Web that consists of darknet markets, and sites about drugs, pornography, weapons, assassins, counterfeit and forgeries and hacking etc. This section is called the Dark Web

There is also a large section of it for whistle blowers to come forward and expose people, organizations and governments for wrong doings.

The Deep Web is a very colorful and diverse place. One thing is for sure though – you have to have a strong stomach if you want to browse. There are things there that once seen can’t be unseen… So thread carefully!

Just remember, you need Tor to access the links in this .onion link list and Tor alone is not as secure as you think. If you fall into the false sense of security and think you are safe from being tracked and monitored, then you are sadly mistaken.

This has been proven multiple times recently with the FBI using an American university to hijack the Tor network and catch tons of darknet market users. The FBI also hacked “Play Pen” and then used malware to identify the admin and users of the site so they could arrest them. Regardless of how fucked up sites like “Play Pen” are, it shows that the FEDS can do this to any site on the darkweb.

Attention Dark Web News readers: It should be brought to your attention that there was a recent Tor vulnerability which leaked your REAL IP address leading back to your real location. UPDATE your Tor browser immediately.

Vulnerabilities like these are happening more often now, if you already use a good VPN then you have nothing to worry about as the VPN protects you against this as it gives you a fake IP. If you don’t use a VPN then you should start, don’t wait until it is too late.

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