3 years ago

I knew this year was going to be different when I received divine guidance to help spiritual entrepreneurs show up and get their messages into the world.

I came here with a warrior spirit that enables me to push through whatever fear I'm having and place the needs of humanity over my individual needs.

That is my superpower. I have an ability to show up with consistency and I have an ability to show up with certainty.

I'm here to activate the next wave of warriors, those who are here to do the work. The ones on the front lines with humanity that are here to shift the current paradigm.

The Wealth Warrior business hypermind, it is about a COLLECTIVE MIND that is capable of thought faster than the speed of light.That’s what type of container I am building.

Those of you that are here to do your work in the world. I need you to get to a place where you are so fully in alignment with your truth and your authenticity SO that people cannot help, but experience radical transformation when they are in your presence, or even come into contact with your frequency, vibration, or energy field.

That is what Wealth Warrior is about.
Are you ready to start a revolution?

Then stop playing small.
Because if you are ready to fight for yourself, for future generations and for humanity, I’m ready to join you in your journey!

WE START TOMORROW…doors are open until 2/22/22…but there is a very special offer right now.

If you sign up by 2/7/22 you will not only get all the magic of this program, but you will also get 3 months of 1:1 Telegram support with me valued at $3,333…so if you have been waiting for the right time to work with me…THE TIME IS NOW!

If you’d like to learn more about Wealth Warrior, send me an email ww@theleahsteele.com and I will reply back with all the details.

*** Want to hear more from Leah? Listen to The Wealth Witch Podcast everywhere podcasts are streamed!

To get more of Leah’s daily musings REAL, RAW and UNCENSORED join her FREE Telegram Channel: https://t.me/thewealthwitch

* For more information on Leah visit her website at www.theleahsteele.com *
Twitter: https://twitter.com/theleahsteele
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/theleahsteele/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leahsteeleba...

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