I am done with SQUARE ENIX, Final Fantasy ports is a incoherent George Lucas mess

3 years ago

Phantasy Star forever!
I have reached a conclusion. I will just pretend anything that is Square Enix related is made by someone else. But because of the horrid ports of FF1-FF8... atleast in some way, i will just not own anything by those games. (if they would screw up FF9 and FF10 in someway i will say same thing there too. HDR on Xbox Series X saved FF10 HD Remaster, so Square got lucky there) If Square Enix is too ashamed of having the game as it is. Whatever. I guess i will keep FF9 and FF10, but i will just pretend its not made by Square.

Music: https://youtu.be/ogLbj4LqneI

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