3 years ago

InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Apr 6, 2017

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TO SUBSCRIBE,SELECT BELL & "GET NOTIFICATIONS" and I'll see you soon! BREAKING: For months Susan Rice vicariously spied on President Donald Trump, his family, his businesses, his business associates, his cabinet picks, their families - I mean common, law abiding Americans. DISGUSTING POLICE STATE traitor! In this hard hitting, truth bearing report, InspoNews "will tell you like it is" again, unmasking & revealing the entire CAST OF TRAITORS involved with the SUSAN RICE UNMASKING SCANDAL- (we are bold & unafraid to name names.) Our sources are providing us with (as usual) the people to be indicted by US Attorney General Jeff this summer. Join us as a the forerunners in uncovering truth and news without fear or reservation, accurately predicting future events which have everything to do with the well being of our country, the safety, prosperity and peace of you and your loved ones.
National Security Adviser Susan Rice was the #3 closest advisor to Barak Obama & has illegally participated in using the tax payer funded intel weaponry of the CIA, NSA & 15 other intelligence agencies- to SPY, shadow and illegally conduct unauthorized surveillance of GOP candidates opposed to her Democratic Socialist party. By using tax payer supported the U.S. intelligence apparatus (not to defend us from foreign enemies home & abroad) spying and seeking to find "dirt" on Donald Trump, his staff and incoming cabinet since the Spring of 2016 - she violated his rights to privacy and attempted to effectuate the outcome a NATIONAL ELECTION - using multi billion tax payer funded Intelligence agency assets to do so. This is not only a felony - but is quickly becoming the biggest scandal in United States History. Leaking and unmasking her subject's private doings - the unauthorized surveillance of any law abiding candidate running for public office,is a felony and a direct attack on our freedoms, our sacred electoral process and the Constitutional Republic on which we stand. It attacks the very underpinnings and foundation of the concept of liberty and justice. It is TREASON OF THE HIGHEST ORDER. It has every aspect of the actions of A POLICE STATE. This audacious, arrogant, felonious woman is just one of a cast of traitors who abused their oaths to the Constitution and their proper authority. In this report the CAST of TRAITORS IS REVEALED. John Brennan(CIA DIRECTOR), DNI James Clapper(Director of National Intelligence - 17 agencies), Obama administration advisers Valarie Jarrett, Ben Rhodes, Susan Rice, Loretta Lynch(former Attorney General), Hillary Clinton(former SOS) former CIA director Mike Morell, Lois Lerner & IRS Commissioner John Koskinen (IRS Surveillance & targeting)and yes cream (or crap) usually rises to the top so Barak Hussein Obama former POTUS is the final link in the chain of command - the final authority to decree and authorize such crimes and high treason against America and her citizens. Yes my friends, the treason in OBAMA DEEP STATE in fact RUNS DEEP and we Susan Rice we have just uncovered the tip off a Titanic sized Iceberg which is sure to sink her ship as Lady Justice has whetted her sword and readied her balances - FINALLY! Federico Cardella.
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