Psychic Predictions: February 2022 Ukraine & Russia | Finding your truth

3 years ago

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February Finding your truth:
Yellow sense of intellectual alertness and logic beyond socially accepted so called "logical response".
Regret from biden, trying to ignore situation. "Whatever" distract back to US economy.
Russia making Biden look small. Panic energy short lived, peaks during first week of February. Russia pushing as far as can get away with. On verge of major cataclysm. Gaining land, but not full out war. Continued encirclement. Strength in slow steady strategy more based on intimidation than outright aggression. Putin is eyeing Ukraine making them weak in their knees like a kick boxer that wears out his opponent before going for the knockout. I do see this loosing steam later in the month, but not backing down. Just maintaining a wall, but I see Russian troops yawning and loosening up on their advancement later in month. This could slowly continue to evolve to a newer situation in March. Ukrainians appear to be living in fear and backing away from the borders which is the main goal and strategy here for the slow take-back of their land as they see it.
Society jammed up like cars stuck in traffic. People yelling for what they need. There is struggle in the US with people getting what they need. Possible shortage or barrier. Best to make due with what you have, be flexible stay out of the chaos.
Good month for staying home. Be Zen like Buddha in your actions. Being in acceptance of where you truly are in life without input from others, humbleness, going within, using intuition to find what you are looking for with a sense of patience, solitude - but with focus so as not to fall into despair.
Bad month for: Trying to get the best deal (focus is elsewhere in the world other than material), extream dieting, rigorous self discipline, being hard on ones self, perfection, planning things financially, being overly optimistic (dreams may get crushed).
I see some chaos for the first half of the month and then things calming down to be a quiet second half of the month. It may get very very cold in the second half, but the first half may fluctuate. Be prepared for the long dark dreary solitude of the second half of month. People may deal with depression second half.
Over exertion/aggression in first half leads to quiet withdrawal and depression in second half.
Activity in India. India may be experiencing something related to COVID or there may be some form of assistance being given to people in India.
East coast US may experience more very cold weather.
I see a break in the increase of the earths vibration as to give us all some time to allow this energy to settle into our bodies.
We are coming to terms with things collectively this month that may not be ideal situations. Our idealistic perspectives may give way for a much less ideal perspective more based in reality. People may have trouble coping with this. Mental issues. Heart chakra and second chakra emotions being untangled.
There is some darkness (not negative, shadow work) energy second half of month that can make some feel queasy. Healing to sex trafficking. This is about being stuck in the energy of mistakes and facing the harsh reality. This is healthy and can be healed with thankfulness. Discoveries may be made in February scientific and non scientific. True wisdom will be embraced and separated from what is not true wisdom. Idealism will be replaced with realism. Remember to not isolate yourself too much and think of ways to raise your vibration and increase the positivity of others in these dark days. Take this opportunity to learn to stand in positivity as an individual that does not need something else to bring the inner sunlight to them. This is a great month for helping yourself by helping others get through it. There is strength in being real with yourself and others this month.

January 8,500 troops "on high alert" around Russia and Ukraine but not in Ukraine (said troops positioning themselves in non-agressive manner like start of chess game for January). Biden not in control of what happens (said taking orders from military) military is making decision to send aid and have troops on stand by alert.
Sunny winter month.
Africa ousted a president.
"US Economy jammed up" (saw cars jammed up) "SE US transportation issues" cars stuck in snow multiple days.
No significant news about boats in Pacific ocean, but there was activity which may have been why my attention was on the Pacific. Volcano, tidal waves.

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