BREAKING: Jeff Sessions COMPROMISED: Caught in Comey/Uranium One Sting - He's a DOJ Cover-up Artist

3 years ago

InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report
Published on Apr 2, 2018

BREAKING:Jeff Sessions COMPROMISED: Caught in Comey / Uranium One Sting - He's a DOJ cover-up artist. All is NOT what it appears at the DOJ. Become an InspoNews partner @ PATREON: SUPPORT InspoNews & DONATE - (Square)
The supposedly conservative"gentlemen" from Alabama is not that at all. He's not transparent or forthcoming when it came to his sitting on key Senate Committees that were an integral part of implementing Obama & Hillary's CFIUS approved Uranium One deal with Russia as well as the Iranian Nuke deal. Sessions has a lot to hide & cover up- that's why he's defending Mueller & Rosenstein & continuing the witch hunt and aggressive all out attack on President Trump, the Trump Organization (Don Jr.), the entire Trump family, former campaign staff and business partners etc. That's why he allowed for the set-up and take down of General Mike Flynn. The coward Sessions, - by recusing himself, turned a lethal legal executioner ( Mueller/Weisssmann etc.)armed with subpoena powers & left wing D.C. Maryland based Grand juries weaponized and energized with tens of millions in tax payer dollars - refusing to protect an innocent, hard working President but rather turning him & his family over to Deep State, Trump hating, GOP /RINO-Neocon Rod Rosenstein who hired the virulent liar and aggressive government prosecutor, Bob Mueller. To protect himself & his DC Swamp rat friends, Sessions would actually take solace in this President being taken down and a GOP regular & Bushite globalist like Mike Pence to become the 46th President of the United States. Sessions and the guilty & treasonous Deep State actors are acutely aware that Mike Pence will never "drain the Swamp" & will allow for the continued tyrannical spy State, secretive FISA Court abuses etc. to continue as did his Neocon GOP establishment brother George Bush before him. Jeff Sessions would exonerate & protect traitors & felons such as Hillary Clinton & Susan Rice while allowing nationalist patriots like Mike Flynn and his son to be savaged by unfair, unjust, NWO legal executioners Mueller & Weissmann. Sessions is an obstructed of Justice when it comes to the biggest issues of a corrupt DOJ and FBI. He's compromised and now complicit in a conspiracy to take down a truth seeking sitting President.

We pray that He would resign. We want this weak, self centered AG gone! He seems to be only interested in prolonging his "revered" career at the expense of our President. *CALL THE DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE, Tell them you want the Mueller Probe ended or Jeff Sessions to resign. 1-202-514-2000/ 202-353-1555
Call the White House - tell them you want Sessions, Rosenstein and Mueller fired ASAP: 1-202-456-1111
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