The Weekly Energy Foresight for Jan 31-Feb 06, 2022

3 years ago

Tarot Cards:
January: Shadowscapes Tarot
by: Stephanie Pui-Mun Law & Barbara Moore
February: Gilded Tarot Royale
by: Ciro Marchetti & Barbara Moore

Oracle Cards:
Spirit Of The Wheel Meditation Deck
created by: Linda Ewashina
art by: Linda Bergsma

January 31 - February 06, 2022

Two Of Swords

What do you do when difficult decisions need to be addressed?

This card is coming forward because there may be something that needs attention but which you might be avoiding.

If you feel confused or overwhelmed by trying to make a choice - especially if it is of great importance - know that you have a wonderful tool in your toolkit ready and willing to guide you... your intuition!

Take it out, dust it off, and allow your intuition to be your guide - there's no right or wrong, it just is!

Mid-Week ~ 31-03

End-Week ~ 03-06
Butterfly Clan

31 - National Inspire Your Heart With Art Day
- National Hot Chocolate Day
- National Backward Day
01 - National Freedom Day
- National Sergent Day
- Lunar New Year
- Chinese New Year
- 🌚 New Moon
02 - Imbolc
- Groundhog Day
- World Wetlands Day
- 🌒 Waxing Moon
03 - Optimists Day
- National Missing Persons Day
- Mercury Stations Direct
04 - Bubble Gum Day
- National Thank a Mail Carrier Day
- National Homemade Soup Day
- National Wear Red Day
05 - Ice Cream for Breakfast Day
- National Play Outside Day
- World Nutella Day
06 - National Frozen Yogurt Day

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