Crater Earth - The Key The Secret Prt1

3 years ago

Following the ancient tracks and traces of the Titans and Olympians we continue our search for Tomorrowland, in upcoming work i will present to you my new project - Crater Earth - The Ascension Island - which will include several videos build on top of previous work starting with the The Key The Secret Prt1.

We dive deeper into the energyworld of sephirots and ancient teachings of gnostics and loop this back with information of the music and film industry. What is the ascending process? Do we live in a prison or worse? Full exposure of the Zodiac clock system and its relation with our DNA. We will follow the white rabbit deep into the darkness.

To understand this video better you might have to watch previous videos and i build each new work on top of previous work.

If you want to support my work from the heart:


Jupiter Ascending 2015
At World''s End 2007
Moana 2016
Escape Plan 2:Hades
Wrat of the Titans 2012
Fight Club 1995
12 Monkeys 1995
Star Wars: Rogue One 2016
Gods of Egypt 2016
3 Kings 1999
Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus 2009

Music by:

Madonna - Like a Virgin
The Stones - Paint it Black

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