1/31/22 Manic Monday – As The World Turns Joe Rogan Spotify Experience

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As the world turns, the awakening ... there's the Joe Rogan & Spotify Experience. Some d-list artist are removing their music from Spotify because they want Spotify to get rid of Rogan because he not pushing the Covid19 pandemic like leftist want him too, now today on twitter videos of Rogan saying N-word & other things about blacks people... So is this the angle they going to try to get him removed in the name of Social justice.

1. Chitterling Circuit on Youtube admitted liar Tasha K puts out statement after losing civil trial defamation to Cardi B , here followers still support & give money to a person who admitted she lies to here audience for clicks and views.

2. Jennie Nguyen from RHOSLC fired for facebook post about BLM riots , & people who resit arrest get shot by the police . Her post were FACTUAL AND TRUE...

3. Hollywood Unlocked hosted by Jason Lee, his transgender Cohost says black on black crime is equal to whites, & black people are no more violent than any other race.... claimed it was a FACT... which is more LIES the black community tell themselves.

4. 2 people injured in drive-by shooting outside Midtown club & Landlord terminates lease of popular Midtown Atlanta restaurant after shooting both done by black men . also in NYC black gangs in broad Daylight Shooting On Bronx Street

5. Charlamage the God speaking with Joe Biden about White media & black media which he told Charlamage if you don't vote for him "You Ain't Black"

6. Charlamage the Fraud God says Where's Trump , Democrats promises things never deliver

7. Lifelong Democrat disgusted with Democrat party says they become unrecognizable from what they use to be

8. Whoopi to Bill Maher how dare Bill Maher be so flippant about Covid19 but says the vaccine has killed people Freudian slip

9. Joe Rogan Racist? Multiple clips of Joe Rogan saying the N-word & Joe Rogan describing he went into a black neighborhood "We walked in to Planet of the Apes. We walked into Africa, dude. We walked in the door and there was no white people"

10. Joe Bagel Rogan speaking to mixed black guy says Powerful combination genetic wise. Right? You get the body of the Black man and then you get the mind of the white man altogether in some strange combination

11. Whoopi Goldberg says the Holocaust was not about race, it was 2 groups of white people... Now Jew is a race... this is all by design.

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