How satan Deceives

3 years ago

We need to stay in the word of God EVERY DAY! In order for the enemy to know who we are we first need to know our God and creator Jesus! When we build a relationship with God the enemy has no choice but to flee! Our relationship builds on the word of God DAILY! If you are not there yet, we encourage you to get their today, don't wait for the lies of the enemy to take a hold of your thoughts and then you have given satan authority over your life! God's word will set you free, all we have to do is ask Him and keep his word in our lives. Marriages restored in faith will keep you and your household in prayer for your breakthrough!

Genesis 3
Mathew 4
2 Corinthians 5:17-21
1 John 1:9
James 1:13-18

Marriages Restored In Faith
Midland TX 79708

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