Fallout 2 Playthrough (Mostly Blind) - Part 13

3 years ago

This is the thirteenth part of the playthrough. It's time to blow shit up.

Follow the timestamps below:
- 01:11 - First random encounter. Robbers vs Slavers.
- 08:30 - Looting everybody after the battle.
- 09:53 - Boring inventory management I.
- 12:42 - Second random encounter. Robbers vs trade caravan.
- 18:07 - I accidentally entered combat while looting the Caravan master's body.
- 21:04 - Boring inventory management II.
- 24:02 - Third random encounter. Fighting some golden geckos.
- 28:19 - Boring inventory management III.
- 33:09 - Buying and selling stuff - including explosives.
- 37:28 - Healing the brahmin.
- 40:47 - Climbing down the outhouse to plant the explosives on the blocked path.
- 42:26 - Considering whether it was safe to stay close to the blast inside a cave full o gas. Here in Brazil, a man blew up his backyard while trying to kill cockroaches. They were coming out of the septic tank lid and he thought it was a good idea to use gasoline, aerosol insecticide, and fire right on the lid. Sources = https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fYlL_FLeCo4 https://g1.globo.com/pr/oeste-sudoeste/noticia/2019/10/21/homem-explode-quintal-de-casa-ao-tentar-matar-baratas-com-veneno-gasolina-e-fogo-video.ghtml
- 43:33 - Planting the explosives and running away.
- 46:25 - Finding Cornelius' gold watch.
- 48:14 - Returning the watch to Cornelius.

See you in the next episode.
Fallout2 Unofficial Patch:

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