👸 Women In The Church - Derek Prince

3 years ago

Derek Prince Sermons: Women In The Church - This is an original Bible Study, teaching by Derek Prince. For many, the issue of women's place in the church is a topic fraught with confusion, misinformation and hurt feelings. What is the scriptural model to which we should conform?

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Table of Contents:
I. Introduction
A. Ask forgiveness on behalf of males
1. But—we live in a fallen world
2. More unrighteous than righteous—more sad days than glad days
3. All happy weddings ultimately end in funerals, etc.
B. Pervasive root cause: man’s rebellion against God
C. My aim to be objective—based on Scripture
II. Prophetic Backdrop
A. The prophetic word offers us light in darkness (2 Pet. 1: 19)—without it we do not
understand what is going on around us and we do not see where we are headed
B. First, falling away (NKJ); rebellion (NIV); apostasy (NAS)—(2 Thess. 2: 3; compare
Acts 21: 21) then, antichrist
C. Deliberate rejection of God’s revealed laws—manifested in humanism/feminism/-
D. The original rebellion: man abrogating the right to determine good and evil
(2 Thess. 2: 3)
E. Result: lawlessness—warning to believers (Matt. 24: 12)
F. Provokes God’s curse (Is. 24: 4–6)
G. Rebellion takes three main forms:
1. Transgressed laws, e.g. Ten Commandments
2. Changed ordinance—way of life, especially family
3. Broken everlasting covenant, i.e., apostasy of Christian church
H. Picture of society without restraint Is. 59: 14, 15)
III. Ordinance = God’s Original Pattern
A. Two basic human relationships
B. When these are out of order, it affects all human society
C. Jesus went back to the beginning (i.e., Genesis) (Matt. 19: 3–5)
D. After the fall
1. Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal. 3: 13; compare Deut.
28:15–68)—but not yet from the curse of the original fall (Gen. 3: 16–19)
2. Man to rule—be the governor (head) (Gen. 3:16; compare 1 Cor. 11: 3)
3. Other forms of teaching open to both men and women: intercession, worship,
healing, Christian character, etc.
IV. Specific Ministries Open To Women—Single Or Married
(Examine four New Testament lists)
A. Prophecy, serving, exhorting, giving, showing mercy (but not teaching or leading)
(Rom. 12: 6–8)
B. Praying or prophesying (1 Cor. 11: 5)
C. Prophets, miracles, healings, helps, administrations, tongues, interpretations (but
not apostles, teachers) (1 Cor. 12: 28–30). But always remember the more
excellent way: love (1 Cor. 12: 31)
D. Prophets, evangelists (but not apostles, pastors, teachers) (Eph. 4: 11)
E. Hence the limitations set by Paul:
1. Not to participate in governmental assemblies (1 Cor. 14: 34)
2. Not to teach where this implies governmental authority (1 Tim. 2: 12)
3. Not as pastor—who must be husband of one wife—ruling . . . (1 Tim. 3: 2–4)
4. [Phoebe a servant (deaconess) and “protectress”—Rom. 16: 1–2]
V. Requirements For Married Women
A. Submit to husband as to the Lord (Paul unmarried) (Eph. 5: 22)
B. Even to unbelieving husband (Peter married) (1 Pet. 3: 1–2)
C. Women are different, not inferior
1. Some areas in which women excel:
2. Three Marys stayed close to Jesus to the end (John 19: 25)
3. Many other women afar off (Matt. 27: 55–56)
4. Mary Magdalene first witness of the resurrection (Mark 16: 9)
5. Women sent to tell the apostles of the resurrection (Matt. 28: 5–7)
6. The Bible leaves room for exceptions, e.g. Deborah—but only one out of 13 judges
7. We honor women who have stepped in where men have defaulted—but not as
a permanent practice (e.g., in CIS)
VI. Critical Problems Of America
A. No. 1: Delinquent males
B. No. 2: Rebellious females
1. Each problem increases the other
2. Family reconciliation to avert desolating judgment (Mal. 4: 5–6)
3. Do you need to repent—renounce rebellion?

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