Comedian Michael Joiner Club/Casino Comedy Reel

3 years ago

Don’t let Michael's laid back persona fool you, once this ultra quick witted comedian hits the stage its non stop rapid fire laughter!
Joiner has attracted wide praise for his routines that blend a sarcastic edginess with a devotion to clean humor. He has headlined at The LA AREA Improvs, The Funny Bone, The Ice House and other comedy clubs across the country while also performing at colleges and sold out Clean Comedy Concerts nationwide.
Michael's Clean Comedy Tour Outreach has proven to be a sure-fire event for fundraisers or just a Clean Comedy Concert for the community.
Whether it's city-wide concert, a volunteer banquet, a youth revival or a couples "Date Night", you cannot go wrong with Comedian Michael Joiner!
Michael is one of only a few Clean Comedians on Netflix. Search his name to see his movies.

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