A Democrat Went on Fox News to Air His Grievances with the Dem Party

3 years ago

Text below from General Flynn 👇

The common man…I was a life long democrat too. The Democratic Party did not leave me, the Democratic Party was taken over by socialists and now it is in an all out war with it’s former self and a group of Marxist - Socialists. More will be posted about this, but wake up America!!! Tell your friends and neighbors what we are up against. “Orange man” was never the problem. Trump simply got in the way of a complete totalitarian takeover of America had another person won. And He turned out to be the greatest President in modern history.

We’re lucky to be alive during this epic period of American and world history. Don’t be a bystander. Get involved some how, some way, some where. We cannot allow tyranny to become “normal.” Tyranny is the enemy of freedom. The left will try to normalize this idea over time (think boiling the frog). The water is boiling (maybe evaporating), Time to wake up, stand up, and speak up.

God bless America 🙏🏼🇺🇸

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